
San Francisco, CA
United States

Candice Holdorf



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"Portrait of the Heretic as a Young Woman" featured in Fresno Flyer

Candice Holdorf

Photo by Sequoia Emmanuelle/Design by Lya Bonilla

Photo by Sequoia Emmanuelle/Design by Lya Bonilla

My solo show, Portrait of the Heretic as a Young Woman, is making its debut at the Rogue Festival in Fresno this March. The Fresno Flyer - central California's monthly arts & entertainment publication - is featuring Portrait on the cover and has a nice write up inside. Check it out here.

You can also buy tickets for the show online now.

Indie Shorts Mag calls "Generations" an "honest without being brutal" film

Candice Holdorf

Indie Shorts Mag Generations

Honored to see the rave review Indie Shorts Mag recently gave Generations.

“Generations, written by Candice Holdorf, is honest without being brutal - an old man’s reassessment of where he, or the generations before him, went wrong.”

Read the full review here: